

科研成果 学院主页



1983年本科毕业于东北师范大学化学系,1988年硕士研究生毕业于东北师范大学生物系生物化学专业。1988至1992年任东北师范大学生物系讲师,1992年被破格提为副教授。1994年前往德国歌廷根大学学习, 1998年获得博士学位。1999年前往加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学做博士后, 2000年9月任加拿大科学院Steacie分子科学研究所研究员,2001年10月加入美国和新加坡政府联合组建的药物研发中心CHIRON-SBIO,任高级研究员。2004年5月回到东北师大生命科学院,任东北师范大学生命科学学院教授/博士生导师/副院长/院长。国务院特殊津贴获得者,吉林省高级专家,吉林省长白山学者特聘教授。研究方向为糖复合物的结构与功能的关系,包括植物药物和长白山特色食用真菌中的糖类化合物,如人参、细辛、罗布麻、木耳、胶陀螺等。研究工作包括糖类化合物的分离纯化、结构分析、结构修饰、生物功能和药理活性等。通过分析多糖结构的变化带来的功能和活性的改变,探讨糖类化合物的结构与功能的关系。先后主持科技部重大药物创制项目子课题、国家自然科学基金、教育部重点项目、吉林省科技厅和吉林省发改委等30余项科研课题,在Autophagy, Cell Reports, AngewChem, PNAS, JBC等国际主流刊物上发表SCI研究论文70余篇。获吉林省自然科学一等奖1项,获批国家发明专利4项,其中生物转化制备猪脑神经节苷脂GM1专利以400万元的价格转让于吉林省奇健生物技术有限公司。


1979, 09—1983, 07:东北师范大学化学系,本科生

1985, 09—1988, 07:东北师范大学生物系,生物化学硕士生

1994, 09—1998, 11:德国歌廷根大学,生物有机化学博士生


1988, 09—1993, 08:东北师范大学生命科学学院,讲师

1993, 09—1994, 07:东北师范大学生命科学学院,副教授

1994, 08—1999, 10:德国歌廷根,歌廷根大学,研究助理

1999, 10—2000, 09:加拿大,萨斯喀彻温大学,博士后

2000, 10—2001, 09:加拿大科学院,分子科学研究所,研究员

2001, 10—2004, 03:美国-新加坡,Chiron-S*bio药物研究公司,高级研究员

2004, 04—2013, 03:东北师范大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,副院长

2013, 04—至今:东北师范大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,院长





2012-05 “挑战杯”优秀指导教师











1.Structural characterization of alkali-soluble polysaccharides from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer,ROY SOC OPEN SCI,2018年

2.The roles and mechanisms of homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan I pectins on the inhibition of cell migration,INT J BIOL MACROMOL,2018年

3.Preparing rhamnogalacturonan II domains from seven plant pectins using Penicillium oxalicum degradation and their structural comparison,CARBOHYD POLYM,2018年

4.Structure elucidation and immunomodulatory activity of a β-glucan derived from the fruiting bodies of Amillariella mellea,FOOD CHEM,2018年

5.The N-terminal tail coordinates with carbohydrate recognition domain to mediate galectin-3 induced apoptosis in T cells,ONCOTARGET,2017年

6.Pectic bee pollen polysaccharide from rosa rugose alleviates diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance via induction of AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy,MOLECULES,2017年

7.A Becn1 mutation mediates hyperactive autophagic sequestration of amyloid oligomers and improved cognition in Alzheimer's disease,PLOS GENET,2017年

8.Cloning, expression and biochemical characterization of a GH1 β-glucosidase from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans,BIOCATAL BIOTRANSFOR,2017年

9.High yield preparation of ganglioside GM1 using recombinant sialidase from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans,PROCESS BIOCHEM,2017年

10.A cancer vaccine based on fluorine-modified sialyl-Tn induces robust immune responses in a murine model,ONCOTARGET,2017年

11.Ginsenoside Rg2 protects PC12 cells against b-amyloid25-35-induced apoptosis via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway,Chem Biol Interact,2017年

12.Macromolecular assemblies of complex polysaccharides with galectin-3 and their synergistic effects on function,BIOCHEM J,2017年

13.Pectinate nanofiber mat with high absorbency and antibacterial activity: A potential superior wound dressing to alginate and chitosan nanofiber mats,CARBOHYD POLYM,2017年

14.Ginsenoside Rg2 protects PC12 cells against b-amyloid25-35-induced apoptosis via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway,CHEM-BIOL INTERACT,2017年

15.Structural Characterization of a Rhamnogalacturonan I Domain from Ginseng and Its Inhibitory Effect on Galectin-3,MOLECULES,2017年

16.The N-terminal tail coordinates with carbohydrate recognition domain to mediate galectin-3 induced apoptosis in T cells,ONCOTARGET,2017年

17.A cancer vaccine based on fluorine-modified sialyl-Tn induces robust immune responses in a murine model,ONCOTARGET,2017年

18.Pectic Bee Pollen Polysaccharide from Rosa rugosa Alleviates Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis and Insulin Resistance via Induction of AMPK/mTOR-Mediated Autophagy,MOLECULES,2017年

19.High yield preparation of ganglioside GM1 using recombinant sialidase from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans,PROCESS BIOCHEM,2017年

20.Cordycepin induces apoptosis in SGC-7901 cells through mitochondrial extrinsic phosphorylation of PI3K/Akt by generating ROS,INT J ONCOL,2017年

21.Immunomodulatory effects of Hericium erinaceus derived polysaccharides are mediated by intestinal immunology,FOOD & FUNCTION,2017年

22.Effects of pectin structure and crosslinking method on the properties of crosslinked pectin nanofibers,CARBOHYD POLYM,2017年

23.Identification of natural products with neuronal and metabolic benefits through autophagy induction,AUTOPHAGY,2017年

24.Tunicamycin enhances human colon cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by JNK-CHOP-mediated DR5 upregulation and the inhibition of the EGFR pathway,ANTI-CANCER DRUGS,2017年

25.Size-Tunable Low Molecular Weight Pectin-Based Electrospun Nanofibers Blended with Low Content of Poly(ethylene Oxide),J NANOSCI NANOTECHNO,2017年

26.Crystallization of Galectin-8 Linker Reveals Intricate Relationship between the N-terminal Tail and the Linker,INT J MOL SCI,2016年

27.Adipose Snail 1 Regulates Lipolysis and Lipid Partitioning by Suppressing Adipose Triacylglycerol Lipase Expression,CELL REPORTS,2016年

28.Human galectin-2 interacts with carbohydrates and peptides non-classically: new insight from X-ray crystallography and hemagglutination,ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN,2016年

29.Rationally designed particle preloading method to improve protein delivery performance of electrospun polyester nanofibers,INT J PHARM,2016年

30.Effect of ginseng root polysaccharides on cutaneous wound repair in mice,TROPICAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH,2016年

31.Gefitinib enhances human colon cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis of via autophagy- and JNK-mediated death receptors upregulation,APOPTOSIS,2016年

32.Ginsenoside compound K sensitizes human colon cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis via autophagy-dependent and -independent DR5 upregulation,CELL DEATH & DISEASE,2016年

33.A long non-coding RNA, APOA4-AS, regulates APOA4 expression depending on HuR in mice,NUCLEIC ACIDS RES,2016年

34.Identification of the bioactive components from pH-modified citrus pectin and their inhibitory effects on galectin-3 function,FOOD HYDROCOLLOID,2016年

35.Multiple approaches to assess pectin binding to galectin-3, INT J BIOL MACROMOL, 2016年

36.Characterization of a recombinant multifunctional glycosidehydrolase family 3b-xylosidase/a-l-arabinofuranosidase/b-glucosidase from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans sp.21,J MOL CATAL B-ENZYM,2016年

37.Autophagy activation by novel inducers prevents BECN2-mediated drug tolerance to cannabinoids,AUTOPHAGY,2016年

38.Effect of fasting time on measuring mouse blood glucose level,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE,2016年

39.Reducing the content of carrier polymer in pectin nanofibers by electrospinning at low loading followed with selective washing,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016年

40.Controlled methyl-esterification of pectin catalyzed by cation exchange resin,CARBOHYD POLYM,2016年

41.Structural analysis of ginseng polysaccharides extracted by EDTA solution,RSC ADVANCES,2016年

42.In vivo anticancer and immunomodulating activities of mannogalactoglucan-type polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes (Berkeley) Singer,CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY,2016年

43.Protective effects of ginsenoside Rg2 against H2O2-induced injury and apoptosis in H9c2 cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE,2015年

44.Overexpression and characterization of a glycoside hydrolase family 1 enzyme from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans sp.21 and its application for minor ginsenosides production,J MOL CATAL B-ENZYM,2015年

45.The water network in galectin-3 ligand binding site guides inhibitor design,ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN,2015年

46.Simple and efficient preparation of ginsenoside (S)-Rg2 from ginsenoside Re by biotransformation with Cellulosimicrobium sp.21,BIOCATAL BIOTRANSFOR,2015年

47.a-Amylase-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Panax ginseng,INT J BIOL MACROMOL,2015年

48.Efficient Biotransformation of Polysialogangliosides for Preparation of GM1 by Cellulosimicrobium sp.21,MOLECULES,2014年

49.Purification and characterization of two novel b-glucosidases from Penicillium oxalicum and their application in bioactive ginsenoside production,BIOCATAL BIOTRANSFOR,2014年

50.Cholesteryl-Modification of a Glucomannan from Bletilla striata and Its Hydrogel Properties,MOLECULES,2014年

51.Cell cycle arrest,apoptosis and autophagy induced by iminosugars on K562 cells,EUR J PHARMACOL,2014年

52.The effective mechanism of the polysaccharides from Panax ginseng on chronic fatigue syndrome,ARCH PHARM RES,2014年

53.GLCE regulates PC12 cell neuritogenesis induced by nerve growth factor through activating SMAD/ID3 signalling,BIOCHEM J,2014年

54.Anti-hyperglycemic and anti-oxidative activities of ginseng polysaccharides in STZ-induced diabetic mice,FOOD & FUNCTION,2014年

55.The inhibitory effects of a Rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I) domain from ginseng pectin on galectin-3 and its structure-activity relationship,J BIOL CHEM,2013年

56.A novel ginsenoside-hydrolyzing enzyme from Penicillium oxalicum and its application in ginsenoside Rd production,BIOCATAL BIOTRANSFOR,2013年

57.Structural elucidation and antioxidant activity of a water-soluble polysaccharide from the fruit bodies of Bulgaria inquinans (Fries),FOOD CHEM,2013年

58.Comparative studies on the anti-tumor activities of high temperature- and pH-modified citrus pectins,FOOD & FUNCTION,2013年

59.Antitumor activity of bee pollen polysaccharides from Rosa rugosa,MOL MED REP,2013年

60.Efficient biotransformation for preparation of pharmaceutically active ginsenoside Compound K by Penicillium oxalicum sp. 68,ANN MICROBIOL,2013年

61.Structures of (1→6)-β-D-glucans from Bulgaria inquinans (Fries) and their immunological activities,CARBOHYD POLYM,2013年

62.The inhibitory effects and mechanisms of rhamnogalacturonan I pectin from potato on HT-29 colon cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression,INT J FOOD SCI NUTR,2013年

63.Purification, structural elucidation and antitumor activity of a novel mannogalactoglucan from the fruiting bodies of Lentinus edodes,FITOTERAPIA,2013年

64.Purification and in vitro anti-proliferative effect of novel neutral polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes,INT J BIOL MACROMOL,2013年

65.The Two Endocytic Pathways Mediated by the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain and Regulated by the Collagen-like Domain of Galectin-3 in Vascular Endothelial Cells,PLoS ONE,2012年

66.Ginsenoside Rg3: Spectral Analysis and the Sensitive Detection with Silver Nanoparticles Decorated Graphene,SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS,2012年

67.Preparation of a novel glucuronomannan from Auricularia auricala and its immunological activity,NAT PROD COMMUN,2012年

68.Synthesis of novel N-acetylneuraminic acid derivatives as substrates for rapid detection of influenza virus neuraminidase,CARBOHYD RES,2012年

69.Crystal structure of 8,9-O-isopropylidine-Neu5Ac-methylester-methylketoside,C16H27NO9,Z KRIST-NEW CRYST ST,2012年

70.Crystal structure of 4,7-di-O-methyl 8,9-O-isopropylidine Neu5Ac methyl ester methyl ketoside,C18H31NO9,Z KRIST-NEW CRYST ST,2012年

71.Structural characterization and immunostimulatory activity of a novel linear α-(1→6)-D-glucan isolated from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer,GLYCOCONJUGATE J,2012年

72.Fungal sensitivity to and enzymatic deglycosylation of ginsenosides,PHYTOCHEMISTRY,2012年

73.Further analysis of the structure and immunological activity of an RG-I type pectin from panax ginseng,CARBOHYD POLYM,2012年

74.Analysis of the neutral polysaccharide fraction of MCP and its inhibitory activity on galectin-3,GLYCOCONJUGATE J,2012年

75.Neuroprotective effects of ginseng pectin through the activation of ERK/MAPK and Akt survival signaling pathways,MOL MED REP,2012年

76.Plants can benefit from herbivory: Stimulatory effects of sheep saliva on growth of Leymus chinensis,PLoS ONE,2012年

77.Analysis of Herba Asari polysaccharides and their immunological activity,CARBOHYD POLYM,2012年

78.Ginseng root water-extracted pectic polysaccharides originate from secretory cavities,PLANTA,2011年

79.The extraction, identification and quantification of hypoglycemic active ingredients from stinging nettle (Urtica angustifolia),AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2011年

80.A Water-soluble Polysaccharide from the Fruit Bodies of Bulgaria inquinans (Fries) and its Anti-malarial Activity,EVID-BASED COMPL ALT,2011年

81.In vivo antimalarial activity of ginseng extracts,PHARM BIOL,2011年

82.Comparative studies of the antiproliferative effects of ginseng polysaccharides on HT-29 human colon cancer cells,MED ONCOL,2011年

83.Antidepressant-like effects of the active acidic polysaccharide portion of ginseng in mice,J ETHNOPHARMACOL,2010年

84.Effects of glycoalkaloids from Solanum plants on cucumber root growth,PHYTOCHEMISTRY,2010年

85.In vivo antimalarial activities of glycoalkaloids isolated from Solanaceae plants,PHARM BIOL,2010年

86.Anti-fatigue activity of the water-soluble polysaccharides isolated from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer,J ETHNOPHARMACOL,2010年

87.Relationship of the inhibition of cell migration with the structure of ginseng pectic polysaccharides,CARBOHYD POLYM,2010年

88.A highly selective ginsenoside Rb1-hydrolyzing-β-D-glucosidase from Cladosporium fulvum,PROCESS BIOCHEM,2010年

89.The Inhibitory Effect of Ginseng Pectin on L-929 Cell Migration,ARCH PHARM RES,2010年

90.Antitumor Activities and Immunomodulatory Effects of Ginseng Neutral Polysaccharides in Combination with 5-Fluorouracil,J MED FOOD,2010年

91.Rhamnogalacturonan I domains from ginseng pectin,CARBOHYD POLYM,2010年

92.Total Fractionation and Analysis of Polysaccharides from Leaves of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2010年

93.Preparation of a glucan from the roots of Rubus crataegifolius Bge. and its immunological activity,CARBOHYD RES,2009年

94.Total fractionation and characterization of the water-soluble polysaccharides isolated from Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer,CARBOHYD POLYM,2009年

95.A novel water-soluble β-(1→6)-d-glucan isolated from the fruit bodies of Bulgaria inquinans (Fries),CARBOHYD RES,2009年

96.A novel ginsenoside Rb1-hydrolyzing β-d-glucosidase from Cladosporium fulvum,PROCESS BIOCHEM,2009年

97.Highly selective biotransformation of ginsenoside Rb1 to Rd by the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium fulvum (syn. Fulvia fulva),J IND MICROBIOL BIOT,2009年

98.Modification of Sugar Chains in Glycoalkaloids and Variation of Anticancer Activity,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2007年

99.Study on glycosylated prodrugs of toxoflavins for antibody-directed enzyme tumor therapy,CARBOHYD RES,2007年

100.6-O-Sulfated Modification of Natural Glycoalkaloids Chaconine and Solanine,CHEM RES CHINESE U,2006年

101.Modified Heparin Inhibits P-selectin-mediated Cell Adhesion of Human Colon Carcinoma Cells to Immobilized Platelets under Dynamic Flow Conditions,J BIOL CHEM,2004年

102.PLK1 as a Potential Drug Target in Cancer Therapy,DRUG DEVELOP RES,2004年

103.In planta Sequential Hydroxylation and Glycosylation of a Fungal Phytotoxin:avoiding cell death and overcoming the fungal invader,P NATL ACAD SCI USA,2001年

104.Synthesis of Simple Enantiopure Tetrahydro -β-carbolines and Tetrahydroisoquinolines,EUR J ORG CHEM,2000年

105.Hocheffiziente enantioselektive Totalsynthese des Anti-Influenza-A-Virus-aktiven Indolalkaloids Hirsutin und verwandter Verbindungen durch Dominoreaktionen,Angew. Chem,1999年

106.Highly Efficient, Enantioselective Total Synthesis of the Active Anti-Influenza A Virus Indole Alkaloid Hirsutine and Related Compounds by Domino Reactions,ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT,1999年

107.Efficient Biomimetic Synthesis of Indole Alkaloids of the Vallesiachotamine Group by a Domino Knoevenagel Hetero Diels-Alder Hydrogenation Sequence,Liebigs Ann./Recueil,1997年



























26.仿生学合成Alangium lamarckii糖苷,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2009年


















